The package is an R implementation of regression-based closed-form causal mediation as originally described in Valeri & VanderWeele 2013 and Valeri & VanderWeele 2015 The earlier version is a sister program of the SAS macro. The current extended version (version 1.0 and later) supports effect modification by covariates (treatment-covariate and mediator-covariate product terms) in mediator and outcome models.

This is a user-interface for regression-based causal mediation analysis as described in Valeri & VanderWeele 2013 and Valeri & VanderWeele 2015.

  emm_ac_mreg = NULL,
  emm_ac_yreg = NULL,
  emm_mc_yreg = NULL,
  eventvar = NULL,
  interaction = TRUE,
  casecontrol = FALSE,
  na_omit = FALSE



Data frame containing the following relevant variables.


A character vector of length 1. Outcome variable name. It should be the time variable for the survival outcome.


A character vector of length 1. Treatment variable name.


A character vector of length 1. Mediator variable name.


A character vector of length > 0. Covariate names. Use NULL if there is no covariate. However, this is a highly suspicious situation. Even if avar is randomized, mvar is not. Thus, there are usually some confounder(s) to account for the common cause structure (confounding) between mvar and yvar.


A character vector of length > 0. Effect modifiers names. The covariate vector in treatment-covariate product term in the mediator model.


A character vector of length > 0. Effect modifiers names. The covariate vector in treatment-covariate product term in the outcome model.


A character vector of length > 0. Effect modifiers names. The covariate vector in mediator-covariate product term in outcome model.


An character vector of length 1. Only required for survival outcome regression models. Note that the coding is 1 for event and 0 for censoring, following the R survival package convention.


A numeric vector of length 1. The reference level of treatment variable that is considered "untreated" or "unexposed".


A numeric vector of length 1.


A numeric vector of length 1. Mediator level at which controlled direct effect is evaluated at.


A numeric vector of the same length as cvar. Covariate levels at which natural direct and indirect effects are evaluated at.


A character vector of length 1. Mediator regression type: "linear" or "logistic".


A character vector of length 1. Outcome regression type: "linear", "logistic", "loglinear", "poisson", "negbin", "survCox", "survAFT_exp", or "survAFT_weibull".


A logical vector of length 1. The presence of treatment-mediator interaction in the outcome model. Default to TRUE.


A logical vector of length 1. Default to FALSE. Whether data comes from a case-control study.


A logical vector of length 1. Default to FALSE. Whether to remove NAs in the columns of interest before fitting the models.


regmedint object, which is a list containing the mediator regression object, the outcome regression object, and the regression-based mediation results.

Fitting models

Use the regmedint function to fit models and set up regression-based causal mediation analysis.

Examining results

Several methods are available to examine the regmedint object. print summary coef confint


regmedint_obj1 <- regmedint(data = vv2015,
                            ## Variables
                            yvar = "y",
                            avar = "x",
                            mvar = "m",
                            cvar = c("c"),
                            eventvar = "event",
                            ## Values at which effects are evaluated
                            a0 = 0,
                            a1 = 1,
                            m_cde = 1,
                            c_cond = 3,
                            ## Model types
                            mreg = "logistic",
                            yreg = "survAFT_weibull",
                            ## Additional specification
                            interaction = TRUE,
                            casecontrol = FALSE)
#> ### Mediator model
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = m ~ x + c, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = data)
#> Deviance Residuals: 
#>     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
#> -1.5143  -1.1765   0.9177   1.1133   1.4602  
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)  -0.3545     0.3252  -1.090    0.276
#> x             0.3842     0.4165   0.922    0.356
#> c             0.2694     0.2058   1.309    0.191
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 138.59  on 99  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 136.08  on 97  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 142.08
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
#> ### Outcome model
#> Call:
#> survival::survreg(formula = Surv(y, event) ~ x + m + x:m + c, 
#>     data = data, dist = "weibull")
#>               Value Std. Error     z       p
#> (Intercept) -1.0424     0.1903 -5.48 4.3e-08
#> x            0.4408     0.3008  1.47    0.14
#> m            0.0905     0.2683  0.34    0.74
#> c           -0.0669     0.0915 -0.73    0.46
#> x:m          0.1003     0.4207  0.24    0.81
#> Log(scale)  -0.0347     0.0810 -0.43    0.67
#> Scale= 0.966 
#> Weibull distribution
#> Loglik(model)= -11.4   Loglik(intercept only)= -14.5
#> 	Chisq= 6.31 on 4 degrees of freedom, p= 0.18 
#> Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
#> n= 100 
#> ### Mediation analysis 
#>              est         se         Z          p       lower      upper
#> cde  0.541070807 0.29422958 1.8389409 0.06592388 -0.03560858 1.11775019
#> pnde 0.505391952 0.21797147 2.3186151 0.02041591  0.07817572 0.93260819
#> tnie 0.015988820 0.03171597 0.5041252 0.61417338 -0.04617334 0.07815098
#> tnde 0.513662425 0.22946248 2.2385465 0.02518544  0.06392423 0.96340062
#> pnie 0.007718348 0.02398457 0.3218047 0.74760066 -0.03929055 0.05472725
#> te   0.521380773 0.22427066 2.3247837 0.02008353  0.08181835 0.96094319
#> pm   0.039039346 0.07444080 0.5244348 0.59997616 -0.10686194 0.18494063
#> Evaluated at:
#> avar: x
#>  a1 (intervened value of avar) = 1
#>  a0 (reference value of avar)  = 0
#> mvar: m
#>  m_cde (intervend value of mvar for cde) = 1
#> cvar: c
#>  c_cond (covariate vector value) = 3
#> Note that effect estimates can vary over m_cde and c_cond values when interaction = TRUE.

regmedint_obj2 <- regmedint(data = vv2015,
                            ## Variables
                            yvar = "y",
                            avar = "x",
                            mvar = "m",
                            cvar = c("c"),
                            emm_ac_mreg = c("c"), 
                            emm_ac_yreg = c("c"), 
                            emm_mc_yreg = c("c"), 
                            eventvar = "event",
                            ## Values at which effects are evaluated
                            a0 = 0,
                            a1 = 1,
                            m_cde = 1,
                            c_cond = 3,
                            ## Model types
                            mreg = "logistic",
                            yreg = "survAFT_weibull",
                            ## Additional specification
                            interaction = TRUE,
                            casecontrol = FALSE)
#> ### Mediator model
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = m ~ x + c + x:c, family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
#>     data = data)
#> Deviance Residuals: 
#>     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
#> -1.5689  -1.1585   0.8925   1.1242   1.4342  
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.32727    0.34979  -0.936    0.349
#> x            0.30431    0.56789   0.536    0.592
#> c            0.24085    0.24688   0.976    0.329
#> x:c          0.09216    0.44624   0.207    0.836
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 138.59  on 99  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 136.04  on 96  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 144.04
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
#> ### Outcome model
#> Call:
#> survival::survreg(formula = Surv(y, event) ~ x + m + x:m + c + 
#>     x:c + m:c, data = data, dist = "weibull")
#>               Value Std. Error     z       p
#> (Intercept) -0.9959     0.2071 -4.81 1.5e-06
#> x            0.4185     0.3354  1.25    0.21
#> m           -0.0216     0.3112 -0.07    0.94
#> c           -0.1339     0.1405 -0.95    0.34
#> x:m          0.0905     0.4265  0.21    0.83
#> x:c          0.0327     0.2242  0.15    0.88
#> m:c          0.1275     0.1861  0.69    0.49
#> Log(scale)  -0.0406     0.0814 -0.50    0.62
#> Scale= 0.96 
#> Weibull distribution
#> Loglik(model)= -11.1   Loglik(intercept only)= -14.5
#> 	Chisq= 6.78 on 6 degrees of freedom, p= 0.34 
#> Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 5 
#> n= 100 
#> ### Mediation analysis 
#>             est         se         Z         p      lower     upper
#> cde  0.60705735 0.52594922 1.1542128 0.2484129 -0.4237842 1.6378989
#> pnde 0.57902523 0.51447701 1.1254638 0.2603926 -0.4293312 1.5873816
#> tnie 0.05333600 0.10591830 0.5035579 0.6145721 -0.1542601 0.2609321
#> tnde 0.58889505 0.51488644 1.1437377 0.2527324 -0.4202638 1.5980539
#> pnie 0.04346618 0.09107534 0.4772552 0.6331804 -0.1350382 0.2219706
#> te   0.63236123 0.52776615 1.1981845 0.2308452 -0.4020414 1.6667639
#> pm   0.11082259 0.20960355 0.5287248 0.5969964 -0.2999928 0.5216380
#> Evaluated at:
#> avar: x
#>  a1 (intervened value of avar) = 1
#>  a0 (reference value of avar)  = 0
#> mvar: m
#>  m_cde (intervend value of mvar for cde) = 1
#> cvar: c
#>  c_cond (covariate vector value) = 3
#> Note that effect estimates can vary over m_cde and c_cond values when interaction = TRUE.